Helping you provide the raw materials for a changing world

English: /əˈdæpt/ verb
To change behaviours or ideas to better fit a new situation

People in natural resource industries—miners, farmers, fishers, foresters—face unprecedented volatility and stress while coping with new expectations for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.

The conflict between growing demand and tighter business constraints is unsettling. Although we see ourselves as good corporate citizens, we may feel misunderstood and anxious. We know that efficiency and compliance aren’t enough. We need new ideas but are wary of the challenges in adopting them.

The relationships in the natural resources business ecosystem are changing rapidly and many of us are struggling to navigate these changes, particularly when they are emergent and unclear.

Inspire Resources is a technology-enabled adaptation (TEA) company. We combine modeling, simulation, facilitation, training, and strategy support to help you move beyond limiting paradigms and adapt to a changing world.

Adapting successfully to new contexts will create huge opportunities and access to talent. We believe adaptation starts in the human mind. We help you succeed on this journey.