Why do innovators keep talking about small scale mining?
Andy Reynolds Andy Reynolds

Why do innovators keep talking about small scale mining?

If you are an expert in mining or mineral process engineering, you may be tired of neophytes and academics arguing that there is value to be created in small-scale mining. You have a lifetime of spreadsheets telling you that economy of scale is always the right answer; that optimization is a well-established practice with no magic wormholes where the laws of physics are suspended.

And of course you are right.

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Mineral Impulse™ Retrospective
Andy Reynolds Andy Reynolds

Mineral Impulse™ Retrospective

We didn’t start Inspire Resources from a burning platform of social justice. That came later. In the beginning, we thought it was about commercially enabling system-level innovation, but with hindsight, perhaps it was really about trying to introduce dynamic capitalism to a rentier industry. And maybe that’s why it was so hard.

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