Who we are

At Inspire Resources our mission is to help clients to navigate complex changes in society, technology and finance.

We envision a future of successful resource companies, a sustainable planet and thriving communities.

How we got here

Inspire Resources™ was founded in 2019 to meet the need for systemic innovation in response to a changing social contract around mining. We envisioned a new business model for mining that we called Mineral Impulse™.

We anticipated that local communities will increase their influence over mine development, including as rights-holders and shareholders. We built an ecosystem of miners, mining equipment and service providers, and policy-makers who helped us to understand the convergence of forces that would require mining to innovate to become more nimble and responsive to community interests.

Building on these insights, we started a mining company that would show up as a service provider to the community, rather than as an asset owner. We aspired to be the first mining-as-a-service prime contractor, leading a collaboration of equipment providers bringing modular, scalable solutions to large numbers of small mines.

During the years we worked toward this model, Critical Minerals became a policy imperative in many countries, adding further complexity to the social contract.

We found a few pockets of openness to new ideas and started working with a vital strategic client (OZ Minerals) interested in scalable and adaptable mine design.

We became known for our ability to see the connections between engineered systems, business models and societal change, particularly in the Canadian context where the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) will accelerate the transformation of mining into both an economic and social good. We convened some successful dialogues on topics related to the coming transformation of mining.

A retrospective on 5 years of Mineral Impulse is here.

In 2023, we turned our attention to the pipeline of new mine projects. We began to understand the enormous potential - and need - for the “junior” mining sector to do things differently in a critical minerals era, particularly through the principle of free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) embedded in UNDRIP.

We have pivoted to this new challenge, recognizing the power of these changes to help mining succeed in generating revenue and enhancing community wellbeing. We built more relationships across the spectrum of business models, mental models and engineered systems.

Today we provide advisory services within this convergence of engineered systems and human adaptation to change, enabling raw material systems to be more effectively designed for a shifting context. More details of these services can be found on our mining page.

Our Values


Our actions and words are consistent with the world we wish to help manifest.

We publicly communicate the high standards of conduct to which we hold ourselves and our partners accountable.

Diversity and Inclusion

We do the work to dismantle privilege, racism and colonialism in ourselves and the world around us.

We integrate different ways of being, knowing and doing, in our Leadership and employee team, through operations and partnerships.

Innovation and Learning

We seek better ways of doing things that must be done.

We are curious and open to learning. We value opportunities to learn and teach as we help others understand the risks and benefits of innovation.

We respect different opinions and points of views. We can always learn and grow.

Transformative Relationships

We understand that relationships are the most fundamental tool we have to adapt to change, and we demonstrate that we value those with whom we work.

We recognize colonization as an historical process that undermines our equity goals, and commit to decolonizing ourselves, our relationships and our business.

Collaboration and Facilitative Leadership

We solve problems together, taking advantage of diverse skills and perspectives.

Our success derives from the extent to which we enable people, companies and communities to work together and achieve a higher purpose.