Andy Reynolds, President

Throughout Andy’s career, he has connected organizations, engineered systems, and human relationships. As a UK Royal Navy engineer officer, he tackled complex leadership challenges, from ship-helicopter interface engineering to multinational logistics in Afghanistan and future warship electrification.

After moving to Canada in 2009, he managed R&D in government labs, honing program management and decision-making skills. He became Director-General for Energy, Mining, and Environment at the National Research Council of Canada.

In 2019, Andy founded Inspire Resources to address social and business challenges in mining. Known for questioning conventional wisdom, he frequently speaks at universities and is recognized as a thought leader who promotes collaboration and impactful teams.

Connect with Andy on LinkedIn here.

Kyle Pearce, VP Community Integration

Kyle drives innovation by integrating wisdom from various sectors, including community engagement, service redesign, and social enterprise, to meet community needs sustainably.

With expertise in social and systems analysis, Kyle focuses on sustainability in rural and Indigenous communities, emphasizing marginalized groups' wellbeing.

Kyle’s 15-year career in community services included developing collaborative solutions for children's health and serving as Executive Director of BC's largest multi-service agency. As a consultant, he led provincial innovations in primary health care and capacity-building, using collaborative processes for solving complex challenges.

As VP for Community Integration at Inspire Resources, Kyle is passionate about using mining and other resource industries to advance reconciliation and expedite the supply of critical minerals.

Connect with Kyle on LinkedIn here.